Full Body Wax


Full body waxing

With 2 locations to serve you. (West Hamilton & Hamilton Mountain) Body waxing is a great way for you to remove unwanted hair as it removes hair right from the roots. Shaving only cuts it off near the surface of the skin so it grows back much quicker. Body waxing has an added advantage in that over time the hair will thin and as a result the hair that does come back is much finer. Last but not least, the wax also exfoliates the skin for a nice smooth, clean and sexy feel.

Have you ever come across someone who truly believes that they are capable of doing everything on their own. There will always be these types of people in the world which is fine. Your body, your health, your wellness is up to you, See someone who is well educated, experienced and knows what they are doing. Here at Excellent Esthetics we have clients who arrive desperate to be helped. Their eyebrows weren’t done properly.  They have been bruised or had the skin tear from a waxing experience.  They may have ingrown hairs in need of treatment.  Or they tried to do it themselves. It’s not to say that anyone is solely to blame for the bad experience.

Everyone is different requiring “just for you” treatment.  Clients having the same colour hair does not mean that they should be waxed the same way.  One individual may have curly, course hair another has thin, brittle hair. It is the esthetician’s job to recognize this and provide the appropriate service for the client.

Full Brazilian Includes "crack"46.02 + HST (Total $52)75.22 + HST (Total $85)
European Brazilian Includes design46.02 + HST (Total $52)75.22 + HST (Total $85)
French Brazilian no "crack"35.40 + HST (Total $40)60.18 + HST (Total $68)
Bikini Line Wax25.66 + HST (Total $29)35.40 + HST (Total $40)
1/2 leg (Upper or Lower)30.09 + HST (Total $34)35.40 + HST (Total $40)
Full Leg + Bikini Line Wax79.65 + HST (Total $90)97.35 + HST (Total $110)
Buttocks & Crack26.55 + HST (Total $30) 30.09 + HST (Total $34)
Full Body Wax221.24 + HST (Total $250)252.21 + HST (Total $285)
Full Brazilian & Butt, including Crack71.68 + HST (Total $81)105.31 + HST (Total $119)
Full Front30.09 + HST (Total $34)46.90 + HST (Total $53)
Shoulders10.62 + HST (Total $12)15.05 + HST (Total $17)
Chest20.36 + HST (Total $23)30.09 + HST (Total $34)
Nipples12.39 + HST (Total $14)15.05 + HST (Total $17)
Full Stomach20.36 + HST (Total $23)23.89 + HST (Total $27)
Stomach Strip12.39 + HST (Total $14)15.05 + HST (Total $17)
Underarm15.93 + HST (Total $18.08)19.03 + HST (Total $21)
Full Arms35.40 + HST (Total $40)39.82 + HST (Total $45)
Half Arms25.66 + HST (Total $29)30.09 + HST (Total $34)
Hands & Fingers10.62 + HST (Total $12)13.27 + HST (Total $15)
Eyebrow Wax13.27 + HST (Total $15)113.27 + HST (Total $15)
Upper Lip10.62 + HST (Total $12)
Eyebrow & Upper Lip20.36 + HST (Total $23)
Cheeks14.16 + HST (Total $16)15.05 + HST (Total 17)
Chin10.62 + HST (Total $12)
Forehead11.50 + HST (Total $13)15.05 + HST (Total $17)
Full Face44.25 + HST (Total $50)
Ears11.50 + HST (Total $13)15.05 + HST (Total $17)
Nostrils13.27 + HST (Total $15)15.05 + HST (Total $17)

What to do;

In terms of ingrown hairs, as unpleasant as it may be, you must keep exfoliating the area and attempt to dig out the hair lying under the skin.  Afterwards, use a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in order to kill any bacteria. If you are unsure of what to do, give us a call. We have no problem consulting with you and doing the best we can to ensure that you are happy.

Many people assume that waxing is a straightforward, uncomplicated service. See someone highly experienced with this procedure. In the end, it is your body, your health, your wellness. Ensure that you come out of the spa happy with the quality of the service you have received.

Regardless of how much or how little waxing you desire, Kimmie and her staff will take care of you with expertise and professionalism.  We are the best in Hamilton.  From a mustache removal to a full Brazilian wax (often called a Hollywood Brazilian), Excellent Esthetics is and has been the hands down choice for discerning customers for many years. You have choice!  Ingrown hair that is causing you pain and discomfort, Kimmie will efficiently remove it at no extra charge.

Read testimonials here.

The whole waxing process involves pre-visit preparation, the waxing itself, and post-visit attention. Kimmie will guide you all the way to make sure your procedure is as painless and comfortable as possible. Service is available for men and women.

The expert services Kimmie provides:

  • Chin wax
  • Upper lip wax
  • Leg waxing (half legs and half)
  • Arm/underarm waxing
  • Back wax
  • Foot wax
  • Chest wax
  • Bikini waxing
  • Brazilian wax, Men & Women

  • Full body waxing (Please note: Full body wax prices vary according to the individuals needs)
  • Men. : Underarm, full arms, back, chest and full Brazilian waxing.(Manscaping)
  • Women: Face, underarm, full arm, full leg and full bikini wax

At Excellent Esthetics, there is no discrimination in terms of gender. Kimmie is willing to work with men as well for all their spa treatment needs. This includes all of the aforementioned waxing services, including men’s Brazilian wax. Men’s Brazilian waxing takes approximately ten to fifteen minutes and is as quick and painless as it comes. We were the first spa in  Hamilton Ontario to offer a Men’s Brazilian.

Before & after waxing care.

When several services are booked time is set aside. Please read our “Cancellation Policy

Excellent Esthetics, your one stop for waxing in Hamilton Ontario.

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    844 Upper Wentworth St
    Hamilton, ON
    L9A 4W4
    905-528-2065 905-528-2065