Minimize Bruising


Bruising, Botox & Fillers;

How to: Minimize the Bruising!

Your botox or filler appointment is next week and you want a smooth recovery and to minimize bruising! Let’s discuss bruises & inflammation because there are things YOU can do! Anyone that has had any of these treatments knows that bruising and inflammation often come with the procedure. The challenge is to minimize both.

A bruise is created when blood is trapped under the surface of the skin as a result of injury to the surrounding blood vessels. This can occur after injections of botox and fillers.

Luckily this bruising can be minimized or even prevented! Here are some things you should know BEFORE your next appointment:


Don’t take blood thinners approximately 1 week prior to your appointment.

Examples of blood thinners include:

  • Vitamin E,
  • Ginko Biloba,
  • Ginseng
  • Green tea
  • Fish oil
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Flaxseed oil
  • CoQ10
  • Medications such as Aspirin, Naproxen, Excedrin & Ibuprofen (Advil, Aleve, Motrin)

Note: For people taking blood thinners prescribed for medical reasons, you should definitely discuss it with your doctor well in advance of your appointment.


Load up on pineapple or make pineapple juice. Make enough for a day or two supply before your appointment. Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain, which contains a natural anti-inflammatory. It is very effective in preventing bruising and inflammation. As an added bonus you can continue to consume it after your appointment.


Apply arnica to the injection area 2-4 days prior to your appointment. Arnica is a natural product that can be purchased at health food stores. It is available in cream, ointment, tincture or tablets. It can also be applied to an existing bruise 3 times daily to help it heal much faster.

Note: It not recommended that you use Arnica if you have heart problems or hypertension.

4/ ICE

If you know you bruise easily, you can request to have your injector technician apply ice during the treatment.


It’s best to avoid drinking any alcohol for about 2 days before your appointment.

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding botox, fillers or the bruising and inflammation that can occur, feel free to contact Kimmie and the staff at Excellent Esthetics at any time to discuss. Our goal is to always make your experience with us as pleasant as possible.

Posted on Wednesday, January 11 2017, under News and Views

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